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作者: Bikang Hua1;,Kaiyuan Chen2;,Runqi Chai1;,Senchun Chai1;,Yuanqing Xia1;,Wannian Liang2; (1School of Automation,Beijing Institute of Technology;2Vanke School of Public Health,Tsinghua Institute for Healthy China,Tsinghua University)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Connected and automated vehicles(CAVs);Optimal control;Trajectory optimization;Cooperative motion planning;Intersection control

摘要: This paper studies cooperative trajectory planning for multiple connected and automated vehicles(CAVs) traveling from and off multi-lane roads at a si ...

作者: Yanhao Liu1;,Haopin She1;,Bo Meng2;,Jianbin Huang2; (1School of Aerospace Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology;2Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,China Academy of Space Technology)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Pursuit-evasion game;Particle swarm optimization;Multiple satellites swarm;Surrounding situation

摘要: The orbital pursuit-evasion game issue,as an imporrtant task form of space offensive and defensive confrontation.has great research significance.Aimin ...

作者: Ruixi He1;,Lijuan Jia1;,Jinchuan Zhang2;,Senran Peng1; (1School of Information and Electronics,Beijing Institute of Technology;2School of Energy Resources,China University of Geosciences Beijing)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 supported by National Natural Science Foundation(NNSF) of China under Grant 41927801 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Shale Core Fracture;Semantic Segmentation;Edge Detection;Feature Fusion

摘要: Shale gas is an emerging clean,stable and efficient energy.Counts of Shale core fracture distribution density,length and growth direction are necessar ...

作者: Liru Wang1;,Lijuan Jia1;,Deshui Miao2;,Yinan Guo1;,Shunshoku Kanae3; (1School of Information and Electronics,Beijing Institute of Technology;2School of Compter Science and Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology;3Department of Medical Engineering,Faculty of Health Sciences,Junshin Gakuen University)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 supported in part by National Natural Science foundation of China under Grants 41927801 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Diffusion Strategy;Constrained Adaptive Filtering;Bias-Compensated;Least Mean Squares

摘要: In this paper,we propose a Diffusion Bias-Compensated Constrained Least Mean Squares(D-BC-CLMS) algorithm based on the idea of distributed estimation ...

作者: Jia-Qi Tang1;,Jun-Min Wang1;,Wen Kang1,2; (1School of Mathematics and Statistics,MIIT Key Laboratory of Mathematical Theory and Computation in Information Security,Beijing Institute of Technology;2Shunde Innovation School,University of Science and Technology Beijing)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.62073037,12131008,62273046);the Science and Technology on Space Intelligent Control Laboratory (No.2021-JCJQLB-010-09);Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research (Grant No.2022A1515010039) 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Cascaded heat-heat system;Boundary measurements;Observers;Modal decomposition approach

摘要: The present paper constructs a finite-dimensional observer subject to boundary measurement for a cascaded heat-heat system with different reaction coe ...

作者: Ruimin Li1,2;,Jinyu Qiu1,2;,Minghui Li1,2;,Mingzhu Sun1,2,3;,Xin Zhao1,2,3;,Qili Zhao1,2,3,4; (1Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System (IRAIS), Nankai University;2Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic (tjKLIR), Nankai University;3Institute of Intelligence Technology and Robotic Systems, Shenzhen Research Institute of Nankai University;4Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62027812 and Grant 62273186;Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems under Grant 2019IRS05 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Robotic patch clamp;automation;ADRC;finite element modeling;fluorescence imaging

摘要: Fluorescent imaging through fluorescent dye injection is the key technique for lighting the in vivo environment and localizing the target cell in it f ...

作者: Minghao Dou1,2;,Xuchen Liu1,2;,Dongyue Huang1,2;,Biao Wang3,4;,Jinqiang Cui4;,Qinyuan Ren5;,Lihua Dou6,4;,Jie Chen1;,Ben M.Chen2; (1Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems,Tongji University;2Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,The Chinese University of Hong Kong;3College of Automation Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;4Peng Cheng Laboratory;5College of Control Science and Engineering,Zhejiang University;6Beijing Institute of Technology)

出处: 第42届中国控制会议 2023

会议录: 第42届中国控制会议

关键词: Unmanned vehicles;Modeling;Cross-medium;Operationg points;CFD

摘要: Modeling of cross-medium vehicles with complex shapes still requires a thorough investigation.This paper proposes a multi-method combination modeling ...

作者: 佟思慧,刘广彦 (北京理工大学)

出处: 北京力学会第二十九届学术年会 2023

会议录: 北京力学会第二十九届学术年会

关键词: 核石墨;惯性效应;弹簧-质量模型;动态断裂韧性;数字图像相关方法

摘要: 核石墨广泛用作高温气冷反应堆的慢化剂、反射层和堆芯结构材料。在服役过程中,核反应堆中的石墨材料有可能会受到由地震或武器攻击等引起的动态载荷作用,从而发生裂纹萌生和扩展,因此研究石墨材料的动态断裂性能具有重要的意义。本研究选用带预制裂纹IG-11石墨进行动态三点弯落锤冲击试验,利用高速相机搭建数据采集 ...

作者: 鲁力 (北京理工大学珠海学院)

出处: 2023高等教育科研论坛 2023

会议录: 2023高等教育科研论坛

关键词: 高校辅导员工作;大学生;价值观教育

摘要: 作为大学生价值观教育中的骨干力量,辅导员的教育责任较重,在开展学生思想政治教育活动以及教学管理活动时,辅导员扮演着指导者、实施者和组织者的角色。为了培养学生正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,辅导员需要讲究方式方法,以开放包容的心态看待学生的多元价值观,做学生值得信任的朋友,悉心关怀学生、叮咛学生,获取学 ...

作者: 黄颖舒 (北京理工大学珠海学院商学院)

出处: 2023高等教育科研论坛 2023

会议录: 2023高等教育科研论坛

关键词: 朋辈导师;大学新生;思想政治教育

摘要: 高校建立朋辈导师制度,让朋辈导师参加到学生事务管理工作中,是高校思想政治教育的有益补充。本文就朋辈导师制度在大学新生思想政治教育工作中的实践意义及路径进行可行性分析及探讨。
