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检索结果:检索 返回 35848 结果。

作者: Xu,Zhixiang1;Liu,Feifeng1;Wang,Zhanze1;Zhang,Shuyao1;Bi,Jiahe1;

出处: 14th China Satellite Navigation Conference, CSNC 2024 Jinan 2024

会议录: Vol.1092 LNEE 132-143

摘要: The Beidou surface deformation measuring radar can realize the three-dimensional deformation measurement of the whole scene by using a single receiver ...

作者: Wang,Chenghao12;Liu,Feifeng12;Hu,Cheng12;Wang,Zhanze12;Xu,Zhixiang12;

出处: 14th China Satellite Navigation Conference, CSNC 2024 Jinan 2024

会议录: Vol.1092 LNEE 85-93

摘要: TomoSAR improves the information dimension of radar image from 2D to 3D, and is widely used in elevation modeling, deformation inversion of infrastruc ...

作者: Zhang, Zheng1;Xue, Jingfeng1;Baker, Thar2;Chen, Tian3;Zhao, Yuhang3;Meng, Weizhi4

出处: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) Biarritz, FRANCE 2024

会议录: 88-93

摘要: Applications running on an Internet of Things (IoT) device are usually deployed in an untrusted environment. This introduces risks of vulnerability to ...

作者: Guo, Xiangyu1;Li, Xiaochen2;Huang, Yong2;Zhao, Jingjing3;Sun, Liqun1

出处: Conference on Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XXII San Francisco, CA 2024

会议录: Vol.12846 -


摘要: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become a promising tool for studying anatomical and functional dynamics of the cerebral cortex, offering advant ...

作者: Weng, Hongda1; Li, Jianwei1

出处: 2024 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Power Systems, ICGEPS 2024 Hybrid, Harbin, China 2024

会议录: Vol.2788 No.1

作者: He, Zi1; Du, Naike1; Wang, Jing1; Ye, Xiuzhu1

出处: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2024 Nanjing, China 2024

作者: Sun, Chao1; Du, Naike1; Guo, Yuchao1; Ye, Xiuzhu1

出处: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2024 Nanjing, China 2024

作者: Cai, Zhijia1; Meng, Yihao1; Lu, Xiaoran1; Yang, Xiaolong1; Sun, Wei1

出处: 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, and Electrical and Automation Control, METMS 2024 Xi'an, China 2024

会议录: Vol.13163

作者: Zhang, Yan1; Wang, Xuanyu1; Yang, Ziqian1; Han, Kai1, 2

出处: 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, and Electrical and Automation Control, METMS 2024 Xi'an, China 2024

会议录: Vol.13163

作者: Zhou, Xin1; Pan, Yu1; Zhang, Lei2; Sun, Huafei3

出处: 3rd International Conference on Algorithms, Microchips, and Network Applications, AMNA 2024 Jinan, China 2024

会议录: Vol.13171
