作者: Huihui Li1;Yibing Ding1;Fan Bie2;Muhammad Shahbaz3,4; & …Vasilii Erokhin 5; (1School of Economics, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, Jilin, China;2Economics and Management School, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, 434023, China;3Department of International Trade and Finance, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100811, China;4GUST Center for Sustainable Development (CSD), Gulf University for Science and Technology, 32093, Hawally, Kuwait;5School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, 150001, China)
出处: Journal of the Knowledge Economy
关键词: Digital economy;Foreign direct investment;Environmental pollution;Dynamic Spatial Durbin Model;Regional heterogeneity
摘要: This study examines the spatial relationship and regional variations between the digital economy, FDI, and environmental pollution in eleven provinces ...
作者: Mengyao Li1;Hongying Hao1;Huiqiang Zeng1,4;Manyi Yin1;Yinfeng Xia2;Kun Du2; & …Ziqiang Shao3; (1School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China;2Chongqing Lihong Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., Chongqing, 401336, China;3Beijing Engineering Research Centre of Cellulose and Its Derivatives, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China;4FuJian MaKeng Mining CO., LTD, Longyan, 364000, Fujian, China)
出处: Journal of Polymers and the Environment
关键词: Carboxymethyl inulin;Chitosan;Crosslinking;Cu (II);Adsorption
摘要: A new biomass-based carboxymethyl inulin modified chitosan material was designed and synthesized as an adsorbent for the Cu (II) removal from aqueous ...
Xiangchun Li1;Xiaowei Li2;
出处: International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization
关键词: Nanopore;pulverization;particle size;gas adsorption method;fractal dimension
摘要: To elucidate the relationship between internal nanopore structure parameters and pulverized size during coal pulverization, in this paper, we investig ...
作者: X. Wang;1;X. Mao2; (1Aerospace Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom;2Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)
出处: The Aeronautical Journal P1-47
关键词: non-overshooting sliding mode;global non-overshooting stability;non-overshooting reachability;smoothed non-overshooting controller;UAV trajectory tracking
摘要: For a class of uncertain systems, a non-overshooting sliding mode control is presented to make them globally exponentially stable and without overshoo ...
Wenhui Zhu1;Yi-Qing Liu1;Bingcheng Niu1;Yuxuan Zhu2;Mingbo Zheng1;
出处: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
关键词: Digital finance;innovation;human capital
摘要: Existing literature has mainly focused on the impact of digital finance on urban innovation, while they rarely explore the channel from the composite ...
Tian Chen1;Deyuan Zou1;Zilong Zhou2;Ruiguo Wang2;Yue Feng2;
出处: National Science Review
关键词: ultra-sensitivity sensor;non-Hermitian;reconstructed exceptional system;long-range coupling;circuit network
摘要: Sensors are of fundamental importance and widely used in modern society, such as in industry and environmental monitoring, biomedical sample ingredien ...
Mi Zhang1;Chao Cui2;Jianbo Fu1;Hui Ren1;
出处: Journal of Energetic Materials
关键词: Cooling crystallization;mechanical sensitivity;morphology;PYX;thermal safety
摘要: The crystal appearance of industrial grade 2,6-bis(picrylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine (PYX) was mostly needle-shaped or rod-shaped with an average aspec ...
Jun Yu1;HaiYing Wang2;
出处: Technometrics
关键词: Big Data;Information Criterion;Nonuniform Subsampling;Smoothed AIC
摘要: Subsampling is an effective approach to address computational challenges associated with massive datasets. However, existing subsampling methods do no ...