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  • 职称:中级
  • 所属院系:化学与化工学院  
  • 成果数量:30条,属于本单位的个人成果30条


  • Research area:Inorganic Chemistry-based Interdisciplinary Science
  • Secondary Instituion:Beijing Insititute of Technology School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  
  • Profile: Associate Professor, master tutorProfessional direction: carbon-based nano-materials and functional devicesLearning and work experienceIn 2006 graduated from China Agricultural Uni... more

作者: Shi, Mengfan1,2,3;Yang, Ya'nan1,2,3;Han, Yuyang1;Wang, Jiaqi1;Wang, Ying1;Li, Dan1;Lv, Jinsheng1;Wu, Wenpeng1;Wang, Zhenglin1,2,3;Wei, Xiaoyan1,2,3;Chen, Nan1,2,31Beijing Inst Technol, Key Lab Photoelect Electrophoton Convers Mat, Sch Chem & Chem Engn, Key Lab Cluster Sci,Minist Educ China, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.;2Beijing Inst Technol, Yangtze Delta Reg Acad, Jiaxing 314019, Peoples R China.;3Beijing Inst Technol, Tangshan Res Inst, Tangshan 063000, Peoples R China.)



摘要: Moisture-enabled electricity generation (MEG) is a prominent renewable energy harvesting technology in hydrovoltaic power generation, boasting the bro ...

作者: He, Xiaojun1, 2, 3; Wei, Xiaoyan1, 2, 3; Jin, Zifeng1, 2, 3; Wang, Zhenglin1, 2, 3; Yang, Yanan1, 2, 3; Lv, Jinsheng1, 2, 3; Chen, Nan1, 2, 31Key Laboratory of Cluster Science, Ministry of Education of China, Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic/Electrophotonic Conversion Materials, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing; 100081, China;2Yangtze Delta Region Academy, Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaxing; 314019, China;3Tangshan Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Technology, Tangshan; 063000, China)

出处: Batteries 2023 Vol.9 No.12

作者: Qiang Guo,Ya’nan Yang,Liru Wang,Nan Chen,Liangti Qu (Key Laboratory of Cluster Science;Yangtze Delta Region Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology;Key Laboratory of Organic Optoelectronics&Molecular Engineering)

出处: Renewables 2023 第4期 P474-483

摘要: Aqueous rechargeable batteries with high safety have been considered as the main energy source to power portable and wearable electronics.Herein,we re ...

作者: Chen, Nan1,2;Gui, Boshun1;Yang, Binbin1;Deng, Chenglong1;Liang, Yaohui1;Zhang, Fengling1;Li, Bohua1;Sun, Wen1;Wu, Feng1,2,3;Chen, Renjie1,2,31Beijing Inst Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Beijing Key Lab Environm Sci & Engn, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.;2Beijing Inst Technol, Inst Adv Technol, Jinan 250300, Peoples R China.;3Collaborat Innovat Ctr Elect Vehicles Beijing, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.)

出处: SMALL 2023


摘要: Garnet solid electrolyte Li6.4La3Zr1.4Ta0.6O12 (LLZTO) is an excellent inorganic ceramic-type solid electrolyte; however, the presence of Li2CO3 impur ...

作者: Liru Wang;Jinguo Lin;Yuanyuan Li;Yanan Yang;Xiaoting Liu;Zhe Wang;Feng Liu;Xiaotong Sun;Tian Yang;Nan Chen;Liangti Qu (1 Key Laboratory of Cluster Science, Ministry of Education of China, Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic/Electrophotonic Conversion Materials, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, P. R. China E-mail: gabechain@bit.edu.cn 2 Yangtze Delta Region Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaxing, China 3 State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, P. R. China E-mail: liufeng@imech.ac.cn 4 Key Laboratory of Organic Optoelectronics & Molecular Engineering, Ministry of Education, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

出处: Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2023

摘要: The evaporation of water requires considerable energy as it must break the hydrogen bonds that account for 5/6 of the total intermolecular forces of w ...

作者: Zhang, Fengling;|Lai, Jingning;|Hu, Zhengqiang;|Zhou, Anbin;|Wang, Huirong;|Hu, Xin;|Hou, Lijuan;|Li, Bohua;|Sun, Wen;|Chen, Nan;|Li, Li;|Wu, Feng;|Chen, Renjie (1Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology 2Institute of Advanced Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology 3Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles in Beijing)

出处: Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023 P1

关键词: Crown Ether;Dilute Electrolyte;Lithium Salt Dissociation;Lithium-Oxygen Battery

摘要: Lithium‐oxygen batteries (LOBs) are well known for their high energy density. However, their reversibility and rate performance are challenged due to ...

发明人: 陈南,史梦璠

申请人: 北京理工大学

申请号: 202211623566.0

申请日期: 2022.12.16

摘要: 本发明涉及一种通过水分蒸发自发电的微电流面膜及其制备方法,属于化妆品技术领域。所述微电流面膜是在负载有电极的膜布上均匀涂覆产电浆料制备而成的,利用产电浆料中的碳纳米球颗粒与水相互作用形成的双电层,在水蒸发过程中带动反离子移动产生微电流,而产生的微电流再通过电极收集,不需要额外设置微电源器件或微电源, ...

作者: Guo, Qiang1, 2; Bai, Congcong1; Gao, Chang1; Chen, Nan1, 2; Qu, Liangti31Key Laboratory of Cluster Science, Ministry of Education of China, Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic/Electrophotonic Conversion Materials, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing; 100081, China;2Yangtze Delta Region Academy, Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaxing; 314019, China;3Department of Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Organic Optoelectronics & Molecular Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing; 100084, China)

出处: ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2022 Vol.14 No.34 P39014-39021

作者: Dan Li1   2;Jinsheng Lv1   2;Mengfan Shi1   2;Liru Wang1   2;Tian Yang1   2;Ya\'nan Yang1   2;Nan Chen1   2; (1 Key Laboratory of Cluster Science, Ministry of Education of China, Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic/Electrophotonic Conversion Materials, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China. 2 Yangtze Delta Region Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaxing 314019, China.)

出处: Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland) 2022 Vol.12 No.15 P2521

关键词: IVA group elements;battery;low-dimensional nanomaterials;transducer;water evaporation.

摘要: In response to the exhaustion of traditional energy, green and efficient energy conversion has attracted growing attention. The IVA group elements, es ...

作者: Yao, Weiqi1;Tian, Chengxiang2;Yang, Chao3;Xu, Jie1;Meng, Yufeng4;Manke, Ingo3;Chen, Nan5;Wu, Ziling1;Zhan, Liang1;Wang, Yanli1;Chen, Renjie5; (1 East China Univ Sci & Technol, State Key Lab Chem Engn, Shanghai 200237, Peoples R China. ;2 Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Mech Engn, Singapore 117575, Singapore. ;3 Helmholtz Ctr Berlin Mat & Energy, Hahn Meitner Pl 1, D-14109 Berlin, Germany. ;4 Shanghai Inst Space Power Sources, Shanghai 200245, Peoples R China. ;5 Beijing Inst Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Beijing Key Lab Environm Sci & Engn, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.)

出处: ADVANCED MATERIALS 2022 Vol.34 No.11


摘要: Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have been hindered by the shuttle effect and sluggish polysulfide conversion kinetics. Here, a P-doped nickel telluriu ...



专业方向: 碳基纳米材料与功能器件  


2006年本科毕业于中国农业大学,2012年博士毕业于中国科学院化学研究所(师从李玉良院士),同年进入北京理工大学化学学院。2017年9月起在日本东京大学(The University of Tokyo)理学部进行相关研究。

研究方向 从事以无机化学为基础的交叉科学研究,具体涉及碳共轭结构的微纳米功能材料与器件。主要包括导电高分子、石墨烯、有机无机杂化材料等的可控制备、功能化修饰及其应用研究。 近年来,已发表SCI论文70余篇,包括Adv. Func. Mater.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、NPG Asia Mater.、Mater. Horiz.、J. Mater. Chem. A、ACS Appl. Mater. Interf.、Nanoscale等。研究成果受到了国内外学者的广泛关注,并被Chem. Soc. Rev.、Adv. Mater.、Nano Today等国际顶级期刊所报道评述。

承担课题情况 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目各1项,北京市自然科学基金面上项目1项,校基础研究类基金3项。 作为骨干参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等多个项目。