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  • 职称:正高级
  • 研究方向:统计学
  • 所属院系:数学与统计学院  
  • 成果数量:58条,属于本单位的个人成果58条


作者: Jiang, Yuanyuan1;Xu, Xingzhong1,2; (1 Beijing Inst Technol, Sch Math & Stat, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China. ;2 Beijing Inst Technol, Beijing Key Lab MCAACI, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.)

出处: MATHEMATICS 2022 Vol.10 No.10


摘要: In classical statistics, the primary test statistic is the likelihood ratio. However, for high dimensional data, the likelihood ratio test is no longe ...

作者: Jiang, Yuanyuan;Xu, Xingzhong (1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China;2Beijing Key Laboratory on MCAACI, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China)

出处: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2022 Vol.220 P24-48

摘要: Likelihood ratio test is based on the ratio of the maximum values of likelihood functions on the whole parameter space and the null space, respectivel ...

作者: Zhendong Wang1;Xingzhong Xu1,2;CA11School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China;2Beijing Key Laboratory on MCAACI, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China)

出处: Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2021 Vol.181 P104674

关键词: Central limit theorem;High-dimensional covariance matrix;Identity test;Posterior Bayes factor;Sphericity test

摘要: With the advent of the era of big data, high dimensional covariance matrices are increasingly encountered and testing covariance structure has become ...

作者: Wang, Zhendong1;Xu, Xingzhong1,2; (1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China;2Beijing Key Laboratory on MCAACI, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China)

出处: Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2021 Vol.91 No.6 P1212-1242


摘要: When assessing the compatibility of an assumed model and the observed data, one popular method is the posterior predictive p-value (ppp). However, the ...

作者: 赵丽 (导师:徐兴忠)

学位名称: 博士

出处: 北京理工大学 2017

作者: 张振华 (导师:徐兴忠)

学位名称: 硕士

出处: 北京理工大学 2017

作者: 王冲 (导师:徐兴忠)

学位名称: 硕士

出处: 北京理工大学 2017

作者: 闫亮 (导师:徐兴忠)

学位名称: 博士

出处: 北京理工大学 2017

作者: 王倩倩 (导师:徐兴忠)

学位名称: 硕士

出处: 北京理工大学 2017

作者: Yan, Liang;Wang, Rui;Xu, Xingzhong (1School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China; 2Beijing Key Laboratory on MCAACI, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China)

出处: Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics 2017 Vol.80 No.1 P93-114

关键词: Errors-in-variables model;Gleser-Hwang effect;Fiducial generalized confidence interval;Generalized fiducial distribution;Correct asymptotic coverage;Hybrid model

摘要: For the slope parameter of the classical errors-in-variables model, existing interval estimations with finite length will have confidence level equal ...


Educational Background




Working Experience












[130] Li Zhao, Xingzhong Xu, Generalized Canonical Correlation Variable Improved Estimation in High Dimensional Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models. Statistics and Probability Letters, accepted.

[129] Li Zhao, Liang Yan, Xingzhong Xu, High Correlated Residuals Improved Estimation in the High Dimensional SUR model. Submitted to Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, accepted.

[128] Liang Yan, Rui Wang, Xingzhong Xu, A new confidence interval in errors-in-variables model with known error variance. Journal of Applied Statistics, accepted,

[127] Guimei Zhao,Xingzhong Xu Uniformly Most Powerful Unbiased Test in Univariate Linear Calibration, Statistics, accepted.

[126] Liang Yan, Rui Wang, Xingzhong Xu, Fiducial inference in the classical errors-in-variables model, Metrika, 2017,80(1), 93-114.

[125] Liang Yan, Xingzhong Xu, A new confidence interval in measurement error model with the reliability ratio known Communications in Statistics–Theory, and Methods, accepted.

[124] Li Wang, Xingzhong Xu. Consistent variable selection via the optimal discovery procedure in multiple testing, Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods. 2017,http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2015.1069351.

[123] Na LI and Xingzhong XU, Spline Multiscale Smoothing to Control FDR for Exploring Features of Regression Curves, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2016

[122] Li Wang, Xingzhong Xu, Yong A. New multiple testing method under no dependency assumption, with application to multiple comparisons problem,Statistical Papers, 2016, 57(1): 161-183

[121] Pei Jin Xing-zhong Xu Na Li, FDR control for pairwise comparisons of normal means based on goodness of fit test,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,July 2016, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp 701–712

[120] Junguang Zhao, Xingzhong Xu, A generalized likelihood ratio test for normal mean when p is greater than n, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2016, 99: 91-104.

[119] *He Daojiang, Xu Kai, Xu Xingzhong, Random Weighting Empirical Distribution Function and its Applications to Goodness-of-Fit Testing, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 44(6) 2015, pp 1441-1452.

[118] Li Wang, Xingzhong Xu, Bonferroni-type Plug-in Procedure Controlling Generalized Familywise Error Rate, Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 03/2015, 44(14), 3042-3055.

[117] Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu, A note on combined inference on the common coefficient of variation using confidence distributions, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 9 (2015) 219–233, ISSN: 1935-7524, DOI: 10.1214/15-EJS993

[116] 张良勇、徐兴忠、董晓芳 ,基于非均等排序集抽样的符号检验 ,北京理工大学学报, 06期2015, pp 639-643.

[115] 曹明响,徐兴忠,高维数据下MANOVA 检验,北京理工大学学报,35(8)2015,868-871

[114]Liangyong Zhang,Xiaofang Dong,Xingzhong Xu,Nonparametric estimation for random censored data based on ranking set sampling,Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation,2014,43(8):2004-2015.

[113] Guimei Zhao,Xingzhong Xu,The One-Sided Posterior Predictive p-value for Fieller’s Problem,Statistics and Probability Letters (2014), pp. 57-62

[112] Li Wang, Xingzhong Xu, Global testing method for clustering means in ANOVA, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 43 (2014), 381–392

[111] Jianxin Zhao, Xingzhong Xu, Goodness-of-fit tests for location–scale families based on random distance, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 01/2014; 84(4).

[110] Liangyong Zhang, Xiaofang Dong, Xingzhong Xu, Sign tests using ranked set sampling with unequal set sizes, Statistics &Probability Letters, 85, pp 69-77,2014.

[109]Cao Mingxiang, Xu Xingzhong, He Daojiang, Linearly admissible estimators of stochastic regression coefficient under balanced loss function, Statistics, 48(2), pp 359-366, 2014.

[108] 许凯;何道江;徐兴忠,正态-逆Wishart先验下多元线性模型中经验Bayes估计的优良性,数学年刊,2014年第3期

[107] 董晓芳,张良勇,徐兴忠,随机删失模型下排序集样本的非参数估计及其应用,统计与决策,2014,418(22):72-74。

[106] Daojiang He, Xingzhong Xu, Xuhua Liu, The Use of Posterior Predictive P-Values in Testing Goodness-of-Fit, Communications in Statistics- Theory & Methods 42(2013), 4287-4297.

[105] Daojiang He and Xingzhong Xu, A goodness-of-fit testing approach for normality based on posterior predictive distribution, test, 2013, 22, 1-18.

[104] HE Daojiang , XU Xingzhong , ZHAO Jianxin , A new procedure for testing normality based on the L2 Wasserstein distance, J. Systems Sci & Comp, 2013 Vol. 26 (4): 572-582

[103] 何道江 徐兴忠,贝叶斯χ~2检验的修正,系统科学与数学,2013,33(11),1272-1280

[102]张良勇 徐兴忠 董晓芳,基于中位数排序集抽样的区间估计,山东大学学报(理学版),2013年12期。

[101] Zhang, Lingyun; Xu, Xinzhong; Chen, Gemai,The Exact Likelihood Ratio Test for Equality of Two Normal Populations,AMERICAN STATISTICIAN, 2012,66(3), pp 180-184,.

[100] Zhao, Jianxin; Xu, Xingzhong,New tests based on Rubin's empirical distribution function,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,142(6), pp 1356-1366, 2012/6.

[99]Zhao, Junlong; Yin, Yuliang; Xu, Xingzhong,Penalized Weighted Variance Estimate for Dimension Reduction,Communications In Statistics - Theory and Methods,41(3), pp 453-473, 2012

[98]Mu, Weiyan; Xu, Xingzhong,Inference for repeated measures models under heteroscedasticity,JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY, 25(6), pp 1158-1170, 2012/12.

[97] Shuran Zhao, Xingzhong Xu and Xiaobo Ding, Fidcial inference under nonparametric situations, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2012, 142(10), 2779-2798.

[96] Li Wang and Xingzhong Xu, Step-up procedure controlling generalized family-wise error rate, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2012, 82, 775-782.

[95] 赵建昕,徐兴忠,一类相合的分位点型检验,应用数学学报, 01期, pp 168-188,2012

[94] 赵建昕;徐兴忠,δ修正Cramer-von Mises检验的非无偏性(英文),应用概率统计,02期, pp 161-171, 2012

[93] Na Li and Xingzhong Xu, Comparison of Nonparametric Regression Curves by Spline Smoothing, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2011, 40(22), 3972-3987.

[92] Na Li, Xingzhong Xu and Xuhua Liu, Testing the constancy in varying-coefficient regression models, Metrika, 2011, 74:409-438.

[91] Xuhua Liu, Xingzhong Xu and Jianxin Zhao, A new generalized p-value approach for testing equality of coefficients of variation in k normal populations, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2011, 81(9):1121-1130.

[90] Na Li, Xingzhong Xu and Pei Jin, Testing the linearity in partially linear models, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2011, 23: 99-114.

[89] Xingzhong Xu, Qian Zhang and Xiaobo Ding, Hypothesis testing and confidence regions for the mean sojourn time of an M/M/1 queueing system, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2011, 40: 28-39.

[88] 尹玉良、赵俊龙、徐兴忠 ,正态模型下单边假设检验问题中频率与贝叶斯证据的一致性 ,北京理工大学学报, 08期, pp1001-1004, 2011 ,

[87] 赵桂梅,徐兴忠,两个Weibull分布尺度参数比的推断,应用数学学报,2011年第2期。

[86] 晋佩,徐兴忠,刘旭华,基于真假设比例广义推断的多重检验方法,北京理工大学学报,2011年第8期。

[85] 牟唯嫣,徐兴忠,异方差下增长曲线模型的统计推断,北京理工大学学报,2011年第4期,497-500。

[84] Xiaobo Ding, Xingzhong Xu and Shuran Zhao, On exactness and unbiasedness of confidence bands for a continuous distribution function, Science China Math, 2010, 53(10): 2665–2678.

[83] Huimin Hu, Xingzhong Xu and Guoying Li, Generalized p-values for testing regression coefficients in partially linear models, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity , 2010, 23: 1118-1132.

[82] Qian Zhang and Xingzhong Xu, Confidence intervals of performance measures for an M/G/1 queueing system, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation , 2010, 39: 501–516.

[81] Jianxin Zhao, Xingzhong Xu and Xiaobo Ding, New goodness of fit tests based on stochastic EDF, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods , 2010, 39: 1075–1094.

[80] Xuhua Liu and Xingzhong Xu, A new generalized p-value approach for testing the homogeneity of variances, Statistics and Probability Letters , 2010, 80: 1486-1491.

[79] 董岩,徐兴忠,左截尾双参数指数分布的可靠寿命的广义置信下限,应用概率统计, 2010年第3期。

[78] 李娜,徐兴忠,固定设计点情形下回归函数值的区间估计,北京理工大学学报,2010年第10期。

[77] 刘旭华,徐兴忠,李娜,一种可修系统稳态可用度的广义置信区间,北京理工大学学报,2010年 第05期。

[76] 张倩,徐兴忠,M/H_k/1排队系统性能指标的估计,北京理工大学学报,2010年第06期。

[75] Jianxin Zhao, Xingzhong Xu and Xiaobo Ding, Some new goodness-of-fit tests based on stochastic sample quantiles, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation , 2009, 38: 571–589.

[74] Xingzhong Xu, Xiaobo Ding and Shuran Zhao, A new confidence band for continuous cumulative distribution functions, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics , 2009, 51: 305-318.

[73] Junlong Zhao and Xingzhong Xu, Dimension reduction based on weighted variance estimate, Science in China Series A: Mathematics , 2009, 52(3): 539-560.

[72] Xingzhong Xu, Xiaobo Ding and Shuran Zhao, New goodness-of-fit tests based on fiducial empirical distribution function, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 2009, 53: 1132-1141.

[71] Weiyan Mu, Xingzhong Xu and Shifeng Xiong, Inference on system reliability for independent series components, Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods ,38(2009):1-10.

[70] Xingzhong Xu, Xiaobo Ding and Shuran Zhao, The reduction of the average width of confidence bands for an unknown continuous distribution function, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation , 2009, 79: 335-347.

[69] 刘旭华,徐兴忠,何雄奎,张录达. 有监督主成分回归法在近红外光谱定量分析中的应用研究,光谱学与光谱分析,2009,29:2959-2961.

[68] 赵建昕,徐兴忠,检验统计量的选择,统计与决策,2009年 第04期。

[67] 赵树然,徐兴忠,丁晓波,右删失情形下平均生存时间的加权Bootstrap推断,系统科学与数学,2009年 第05期。

[66] 牟唯嫣,熊世峰,徐兴忠,非参数可靠性模型中一些参数的区间估计,北京理工大学学报,2009年 第02期。

[65] Shuran Zhao, Xingzhong Xu and Xiaobo Ding, The convergence rates of the weighted bootstrap distributions for von Mises and U-statistics, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics , 2008,20, 645 - 660.

[64] Shifeng Xiong, Weiyan Mu and Xingzhong Xu, Generalized inference for a class of linear models under heteroscedasticity, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods , 2008,37: 1225-1236.

[63] Weiyan Mu, Shifeng Xiong and Xingzhong Xu, Generalized confidence regions of fixed effects in the two-way ANOVA, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity ,2008, 21: 276-282.

[62] Jianjun Ma,Xingzhong Xu and Junlong Zhao, Inverse Regression in Binary Response LDV Model Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 2008 37: 233–246.

[61] Xingzhong Xu and Fang Liu, Statistical inference on mixing proportion, Science in China: Series A Mathematics , 2008, 51(9), 1593-1608.

[60] 赵俊龙,徐兴忠,已有降维方法的推广,数学年刊 A 2008, 29(2), 231—240。

[59] 丁晓波,徐兴忠,基于非参数分布函数置信带的含参数分布函数调和带,山西大学学报,2008, 3,349-354.

[58] 马建军,徐兴忠,多项Probit模型中回归系数的逆回归估计,应用概率统计,2008,24(5),501-512.

[57] 马建军,徐兴忠,多元秩-序模型中回归系数的估计,高校应用数学学报,2008,23(3):287-294。

[56] 刘芳,徐兴忠,混合位置尺度分布中分量参数的统计推断,生物数学学报,2008,23(3),539-548。

[55] 马建军,徐兴忠,多重二元响应Probit模型的渐近有效估计,生物数学学报,2008年 第04期。

[54] 董岩,徐兴忠,杨雪姣,双参数指数分布的可靠寿命的广义置信下限,系统科学与数学,2008年 第09期。

[53] 赵树然,徐兴忠,任培民,删失回归模型的加权Bootstrap逼近,北京理工大学学报,2008年 第07期。

[52] 丁晓波,徐兴忠,基于Kolmogorov-Smirnov统计量的连续置信带,北京理工大学学报, 2008年 第10期。

[51] Xinmin Li, Xingzhong Xu and Guoying LI, A fiducial argument for generalized p-value, Science in China: Series A Mathematics 2007 50 (7): 957-966.

[50] Junlong Zhao, Xingzhong Xu, Extending SAVE and PHD, Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods , 2007, 36(8), 1591-1606.

[49] 扈慧敏,杨荣,徐兴忠,单因素方差分析模型中的广义p-值,中国科学院研究生院学报,2007,24(4),408-418。

[48] 扈慧敏,芮杰,徐兴忠,回归误差方差的区间估计,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2007,31(4),162-167。

[47] 扈慧敏,徐兴忠,双因素方差分析模型中的广义p-值,北京理工大学学报,2007,27(9),843-846。

[46] 刘芳,徐兴忠,混合位置分布中分量参数的统计推断,高校应用数学学报:A辑 2007,22(3):301-310。

[45] 牟唯嫣,徐兴忠,熊世峰,两因素随机效应模型下平均暴露量的检验,系统科学与数学,2007,27:134-144。

[44] Min Wang, Baoxue Zhang and Xingzhong Xu, The fiducial inference on the two-parameter exponential distribution, Soochow Journal of Mathematics 2006,32(4),477-484.

[43] Xingzhong Xu and Guoying Li, Fiducial inference in the pivotal family of distributions, Science in China: Series A Mathematics , 49(3)(2006),410-432.

[42] 赵俊龙,徐兴忠,位置参数分布族中Fiducial分布与后验分布的关系,数学年刊 A 2006, 3: 471—424。

[41] Li,Xinmin, Li Guoying, Xu Xingzhong, Fiducial intervals of restricted parameters and their applications, Science in China: Series A Mathematics , 48(11)(2005),1567-1583.

[40] Xingzhong Xu, Qiguang Wu, NS Condition of admissibility for the linear estimator of normal mean with unknown variance, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 21(2005),1083-1086.

[39] 李新民,李国英,徐兴忠,限制参数空间上的Fiducial推断,系统科学与数学 25(6)(2005),729-737。

[38] 刘金燕,徐兴忠,多周期Probit模型中MLE的存在性,应用数学,17(增)(2004),85-89。

[37] 赵江涛,徐兴忠,多项Probit模型参数的极大似然估计,应用数学,17(增)(2004),90-93。

[36] 孙立敏,徐兴忠,多元秩-序模型MLE的存在性,应用数学,17(增)(2004),115-119。

[35] 董岩,徐兴忠,鹿长余,Admissible quadratic estimators of error variance with ellipsoid constraint,应用概率统计,19:1(2003), 19-26.

[34] 张立振,徐兴忠,协方差阵二次型容许估计的一个必要条件,青岛海洋大学学报, 32:2(2002), 325-328。

[33] 张立振,徐兴忠,协方差阵二次型估计可容许的充要条件,青岛海洋大学学报,2002年第04期。

[32] 吴启光,徐兴忠,带有结构变化的线性模型中参数估计的一些结果,数学年刊 2001, 22A(5), 609-618.

[31] 张立振,徐兴忠,协方差阵的二次型容许估计,青岛海洋大学学报,2001年 第06期。

[30] 徐兴忠,吴启光,平衡损失下回归系数的线性容许估计,数学物理学报,2000, 20(4), 468-473。

[29] 徐兴忠,吴启光,Karlin定理的推广和应用, 高校应用数学学报,2000,15(2), 192-198.

[28] 李俊海,徐兴忠,陈峥,增长曲线模型中向量函数的线性容许性,应用概率统计,2000, 16(2), 145-151.

[27] 李新民,徐兴忠,秦前清,矩阵损失下一类相依回归模型中的线性容许性估计和 Minimax估计 应用概率统计,2000, 16(1), 25-30。

[26] 徐兴忠,吴启光,协方差的二次容许性估计,应用数学学报,2000, 23(1), 141-150。

[25] 孙卓昕,徐兴忠,二次损失下方差分量模型回归系数的线性容许估计,应用数学学报,21(3)(1998),393-403。

[24] 徐兴忠,钟漫如,不变二次损失下期望向量的线性容许估计,应用概率统计,14(1)(1998),17-23。

[23] Xingzhong Xu,Local canonical correlation coefficients and canonical variables of groups of random variables, Chinese Science Bulletin 1998, 43(10), 815-816.

[22] 赵建昕,徐兴忠,两个尺度参数估计的线性容许性,青岛大学学报,1998年 第01期。

[21] 徐兴忠,矩阵损失下多元统计中期望相量的线性Minimax估计,应用概率统计,13(4)(1997),345-352。

[20] 陈峥,徐兴忠,钟漫如,误差方差二次型估计时模型的转化,青岛海洋大学学报,27(3)(1997),425-430。

[19] 张立振,徐兴忠,二类增长曲线模型误差估计---二次型估计,青岛海洋大学学报,27(1)(1997),121-125。

[18] 徐兴忠,韩世华,具有独立贡献的相依回归模型,系统科学与数学,16(4)(1996),301-310。

[17] 赵建昕,徐兴忠,两个尺度参数线性函数估计的线性容许性,应用概率统计,12(2)(1996)182-188。

[16] Xingzhong Xu,The canonical correlation coefficients and canonical variables of groups of random variables, Chinese Science Bulletin ,41(15)(1996), 1238-1243.

[15] 徐兴忠,正态线性模型中误差方差的二次型估计的容许性,数学学报,39(5)(1996),609-618。

[14] 徐兴忠,多元统计中期望向量的线性容许估计,应用数学学报,19(2)(1996),196-202。

[13] 徐兴忠,钟漫如,多指标综合评判的组合方法,青岛海洋大学学报(社会科学版),1996年第01期。

[12] 徐兴忠,常用正态协方差阵估计的非容许性,应用概率统计,11(4)(1995),367-370。

[11] 刘新国,徐兴忠,G.W.Stewart一个待解问题的肯定回答,高等学校计算数学学报,17(1)(1995),31-35。

[10] 徐兴忠,损失函数的选择,应用概率统计,10(2)(1994),183-193。

[9] 徐兴忠,仅依赖于子样方差的一些估计是正态方差的非容许估计,数理统计与应用概率,8(1)(1993),55-61。

[8] 徐兴忠,二次损失下方差分量模型中回归系数线性估计的L- 可容许性,系统科学与数学,13(4)(1993),136-142。

[7] 徐兴忠,二次损失下一般的回归系数线性估计的容许性,青岛海洋大学学报,23(3)(1993),136-142。

[6] 徐兴忠,二次损失下回归系数的线性Minimax估计,数学年刊,14A(5)(1993),410-427。

[5] 徐兴忠,线性模型中误差方差的二次型估计是D-可容许的充要条件,应用数学学报,15(3)(1992),410-427。

[4] 徐兴忠,线性模型下的不完全样本,青岛海洋大学学报,21(4)(1991),109-117。

[3] 徐兴忠,矩阵损失下回归系数的线性Minimax估计,系统科学与数学,10(4)(1990),296-300。

[2] 徐兴忠,王静龙,多项式损失下二次型估计的可容许性,数学年刊,9(2)(1988),171-177。

[1] 徐兴忠,王静龙,协方差阵的二次型估计的容许性问题,华东师范大学学报,3(1986),19-26。

Research Projects


1. 多元统计中参数估计的容许性(19401020);






1. 统计决策和小样本推断中的几个问题;

2. Sieve似然比与小样本条件推断理论研究参加;

3. 高维数据降维的若干前沿问题研究。


1. 线性回归系统中的参数估计,山东省自然科学基金

2. 统计中的条件推断,国家自然科学博士后基金

Graduate Students





Appointments of Reviewer

1. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

2. Applied Mathematical Modelling

3. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

4. Journal of Applied Statistics

5. Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods

Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation

6. Statistical Papers

7. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

8. Science in China Mathematics

9. Acta Mathematica Sinica

10. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-

11. Acta Mathematica Scientia

12. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity