作者:房永飞 (北京理工大学数学与统计学院)
出处:教育进展 2023
作者:房永飞 (北京理工大学数学与统计学院,北京)
出处:Advances in Education 2023
关键词:数形结合法;概率统计;边际密度函数;教学方法;Combination of Figure and Chart;Probability and Statistics;Marginal Density Function;Teaching Method
摘要:In the teaching of probability theory and mathematical statistics, the teaching of relevant knowledge of two-dimensional continuous random variables i ...
作者:Ke-Hai Yuan1;Yongfei Fang2; (1 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. 2 Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China.)
出处:The British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology 2023
摘要:Lewis VG, Money J, Epstein R.